Hop Off / Hop On - A bus ride with the Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann 19. December 2023

Aussteigen/Einsteigen - Ortsgespräche der Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann in Colditz

Also of interest:

23. November 2022
Ortsgespräche ("Local CONVERSATIONS"): Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann IN DIALOGUE WITH SCHKEUDITZ

With the "Ortsgespräche" series, the Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann also makes itself available for art locations in the so-called rural areas of Saxony, where the diversity and social topicality of contemporary art is sometimes put up for discussion with particular vehemence. In the second edition of the year this is done in cooperation with the art Kapella Schnkeuditz e. V.

07. December 2021 — Read / Interview (6 minutes)
It’s all about the preservation of artworks in their material substance

As time goes by, contemporary art too is aging. Often one has to deal with works that are ephemeral and perishable, as well as time-based media and materials. We’ve spoken to Franziska Klinkmüller, the conservator in charge of the Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, about the challenges of restoration of contemporary art and aspects related to sustainability.

10. November 2023 — Read / Article
Power Games – Of Pleasure Gardens and Golf Courses

Katharina Mludek took part in this year's Design Campus at the Museum of Decorative Arts, which was all about plant fever. She wrote for us about pleasure and play in the (Pillnitz) garden and about who actually cultivates whom in the garden.