Meissen’s significance as a showpiece for the GDR went hand in hand with its growing economic success as a source of foreign exchange earnings. Jochen Rothauge is familiar with both sides: that of the West German customers and that of the manufactory, which he joined shortly after reunification. He offers insights into inner-German trade in Meissen porcelain – and for trade in the first digital data storage media, which he “smuggled” across the border.

Also of interest:
Part 2 of MeissenLab examines corporate culture and production at the Meissen manufactory in GDR times. Tradition is key here; some Meissen families can trace their employment at the “Manu” as far back as the 18th century.

Is it possible to react aesthetically to an event like the wartime invasion of the Wehrmacht? Sergej Paradjanov has tried to do just that. Born in Georgia and of Armenian descent, he made films about Ukrainian history. One can hardly find anyone who embodies the cultural pluralism in the title of the current exhibition "Kaleidoscope of History(s). Ukrainian Art 1912-2023" as much as he does. His film fragment "Kiev Frescoes" is part of the exhibition and was also featured in the digital prologue here on voices.

At the beginning of every project, there is always a trigger, a motive. It can be an intuition, a book, or an article… What sparked the idea of Plant Fever, was a conversation that Laura Drouet had with the Italian design duo Dossofiorito. Learning about their plant-conscious practice, one question arose: were there other creatives looking at the vegetal realm with respect and curiosity, using design as a means to establish senseful relationships with plants the way in which Dossofiorito were doing? ? Could this be the subject of an exhibition?