Protection (2025)
What we protect, why and how we do it differs according to perspective, place and time. The GRASSI Museum of Ethnography in Leipzig is currently dedicating a special room to the topic of protection. In our digital reader, we have brought together four authors who write about protection from very different perspectives.
Symbols on a Haik. Günter Eich, the Hundred Names of Allah and ‒ Me
Professor of Literature Roland Berbig finds a cloth decorated with Henna in the GRASSI museum. In his occupation with its label he encounters the 99 names of Allah and eventually the search for the 100th. That this quest has to do with labels is clear, but it is not written on the cloth. So where does protection come in?

The Law Should Serve to Protect People
What is to be protected is regulated by law in the state system. One person who knows this particularly well is professor and lawyer Edi Class, who explains in his text how law and protection are related to each other.

Subway Shirt
A subway shirt is a wide piece of clothing, which one puts on to protect from prying eyes that, which will only be revealed at the end of the subway journey as the outfit for the evening. In this way it serves to protect those who wear it from abuse or any sort of molestation. Author Anna Katharina Hahn delivers a rarely heard perspective on the phenomenon of the subway shirt: that of the subway shirt.

Under a Different Name
A name can protect - especially if it is fake. This has possibly been the case for as long as there have been names. A pseudonym not only provided protection from the wrath of provoked Cyclopes in ancient times, but also from official and political persecution to this day. In his article, literary scholar Jan Bürger examines the protective function of the pseudonym.