Villa Massimo at the Japanisches Palais (2022)
Every year, the German Academy in Rome Villa Massimo awards the Rome Prize to nine selected artists, enabling them to spend ten months in Rome. The artist's works from the last two years are on display this year in the exhibition "Eppur Si Muove - Und sie bewegt sich doch" ("And yet She Moves") at the Japanisches Palais.
Guardians of the Waste - A brief history of rubbish
What remains of us? Currently quite a lot. In her film collage "Die Hüter des Unrats - eine kurze Geschichte des Abfalls" (The Guardians of Garbage - A Short History of Waste), which can currently be seen at the Japanisches Palais, Susann Maria Hempel takes a sarcastic look at the way we deal with waste and its ecological consequences. About the stomachs of predatory fish, chickens and giant tortoises as an archive.

Message from Penelope
The scholarship of the German Academy of Rome also includes three-month stays at Casa Baldi in Olevano Romano, a small mountain town located about an hour southeast of Rome. The lyricist and philosopher Peter Neumann spent such a stay in 2021 and provided us with three of his texts, which were written around and about the Casa Baldi.

A Tale of Slumbering Stones
The firing of clay is one of the earliest technologies discovered or invented by man. A variety of work featuring ceramics as well as film and images created by Rome Prize winner Benedikt Hipp will be among the exhibits on display as part of the new exhibition “Eppur Si Muove – Und sie bewegt sich doch” at the Japanisches Palais (Japanese Palace), which happens to be the original location of the Porzellansammlung. In the following, Hipp offers insights into how he himself experiences and observes the creation of his ceramics – from collecting clay to the fired object.

Villa Massimo – The German Academy in Rome
Every year, the German Academy Rome Villa Massimo awards the Rome Prize to nine selected artists, enabling them to spend ten months in Rome. The artists' works from the last two years are on display this year in the exhibition "Eppur Si Muove - Und sie bewegt sich doch" ("And Yet She Moves") at the Japanisches Palais. Angela Windholz introduces the house and its program.

Though Everything Is Over
Quotes from four passages of the novel Obwohl alles vorbei ist (Though Everything Is Over), published in spring 2023, can be read on posters around Dresden. This intervention by the writer Franziska Gerstenberg is part of the exhibition “Eppur si muove – And yet it moves”.