Wordless - Falling Silent Loudly (2021)

In our reader on Wordless - Falling Silent Loudly, we again feature selected content and formats related to the exhibition in summer 2021 at the Japanisches Palais.

21. May 2022 — Sehen / Video
Listen to the Poet

Die Videoarbeit ,Listen to the Poet’ ist eine Erweiterung der Gedichtspur innerhalb der Ausstellung ,Sprachlosigkeit. Das laute Verstummen’, die vom 16. April bis zum 1. August 2021 im Japanischen Palais stattfand. Die Ausstellung fragte nach Möglichkeiten der Überwindung von Sprachlosigkeit nach Verlust- und Gewalterfahrungen aus einer globalen und zugleich differenzierten Perspektive. Die analoge Gedichtspur stellte Sprache als Weg dar, als Perspektive, als Methode des Erinnerns. Die Texte nahmen das Haus ein, verwoben sich mit den Objekten der Sammlung und den Arbeiten der Künstler*innen.

17. September 2021 — Read / Article (6 minutes)
The Trail of Silence

They were known as “comfort women” – a phrase that conceals their sad fate. What they experienced they kept to themselves. Now, at last, they are making their voices heard: in an artistic work featured in the exhibition “Wordless – Falling Silent Loudly”. Laura Helena Wurth on a continuing trauma. A re-publishing from our magazine August.

17. September 2021 — Read / Article (6 minutes)
Writing Cure / Writing Concept

In the exhibition “Wordless — Falling Silent Loudly”, recently on view at the Japanisches Palais, contemporary artists and activists were invited to enter into a multi-vocal dialogue with items in the collection that vary in provenance. Here, the cultural theorist and art critic Lisa Stuckey explains how this exhibition dealt with “poetic thinking,” as put forth by Hannah Arendt. First published in Arts of the Working Class.

22. July 2021 — Watch / Conversation (96 minutes)
Zukunftsforum: Art and Memory

Léontine Meijer-van Mensch in conversation with Prof. Michael Rothberg and Dr. Alina Gromova. Rothberg explores the idea of multidirectional memory. Together with Alina Gromova they discuss victim rivalry and the conflict of attention, how these shape our notion of remembrance culture and how solidarity and empathy in memorializing may offer an alternative.

17. June 2021 — Watch / Conversation (105 minutes)
Zukunftsforum: Belonging and Community

Léontine Meijer-van Mensch in conversation with Dr. Erica Lehrer and Dr. Friedrich von Bose. Erica Lehrer teaches cultural anthropology at Concordia University, Canada. Together with Friedrich von Bose they discuss Lehrer’s idea of “communities of implication,” their potentials and the possibility of an ethnological museum.

20. May 2021 — Watch / Conversation (90 minutes)
Zukunftsforum: Trauma and Healing

Léontine Meijer-van Mensch in conversation with Prof. em. Doris Titze, HfBK Dresden, and Olaf Schlote, an artist and photographer. Doris Titze headed the school’s art therapy studies program between 2000–2012. In his work, Olaf Scholte dedicates himself to questions of trauma and the possibility of overcoming it.

06. May 2021 — Watch / Conversation (75 minutes)
Zukunftsforum: Language and Expression

Leon Doorlag in conversation with Dr. Sandra Boihmane and Prof. Martin Puchner. In her 2014-published book, Malina – Versteck der Sprache, Sandra Boihmane investigates the social and political explosiveness of Ingeborg Bachmann’s writings. Martin Puchner’s research revolves around clandestine languages.