How do we go about designing our future and being conscious of our past? How to lay the foundations for a sustainable world? And what does it mean to live in a present that is trans-cultural through and through? Read our voices editorial. More

28. November 2024 — Watch / Video

Raiders of the Lost Mind - Mischief and Insubordination in GDR Puppet Shows

What declares itself to be nonsense declares itself to be harmless. Supposedly. Because the consequence of such self-determination is the famous jester's license, which a group of theater people in the GDR also claimed for themselves in the 1980s when they called themselves “Zinnober” and began making Punch and Judy shows for adults. Their play “Die Jäger des verlorenen Verstandes” (Raiders of the Lost Mind) can easily be read by the audience as a mockery of the GDR state system and its toleration is hard to believe in retrospect - but true.

18. September 2024 — Read / Article

ostZone - Bela Álvarez

The "ostZONE" series, part of the special exhibition "Revolutionary Romances? Global Art Histories in the GDR", created a space within the Albertinum for anyone to share conversations, questions, and memories of life in the GDR and in modern-day eastern Germany. Bela Álvarez organized the "Holding the Strings" ("Die Fäden in der Hand halten") workshop, bringing the power of images as well as the power of our hands into focus.

11. September 2024 — Read / Article

ostZone - Hung The Cao

The "ostZONE" series, part of the special exhibition "Revolutionary Romances? Global Art Histories in the GDR", created a space within the Albertinum for anyone to share conversations, questions, and memories of life in the GDR and in modern-day eastern Germany. Read about Hung The Cao and his workshop with contemporaries "Jeans nach Dienstschluss" ("Jeans after Hours").

27. August 2024 — Read / Article

Going behind the Iron Curtain. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD) in Japan

Relations between Japan and the GDR are as deep as they are unexplored. The two countries had built up a multi-layered relationship with each other. Japan was seen as an economic bridge between the GDR's socialist system and the capitalist West. How did the GDR and Japan find ways to exchange art across the Iron Curtain?

Digital Reader